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Engaging with a specific audience from every London borough to bring them together through a sport activation, pop-up event.

Reaching and attracting this specific female, youth audience came with its challenges; the audience is often overlooked and dismissed. Planning and designing a pop-up activation event like this required in-depth understanding of the visitor profiles along with location knowledge to ensure that the pop-up event design and place branding engaged with the audience. 


We were tasked with designing the brand identity, physical environment and reach out communications for the activation event. Printed and digital communications used the newly defined tone of voice and the stand out visual design inspired by the England Lionesses.


The timing and execution of the pop-up event helped London Youth Games engage and raise their level of communication with their desired audience; the girls of London.

Project scope: Research & insight / Strategy & positioning / Place branding / Environment design / Communication design / Curation & launch.


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